Rubber Plant

Ficus Elastica (More commonly known as a rubber plant) is a popular house plant because of its dark, waxy leaves and larger than life appearance. The rubber plant grows tall and produces beautiful leaves. Rubber plants earned their name thanks to their sap which is sometimes used to make rubber.

It is one of the easiest to care for among the ficus plants and perfect for anyone looking to grow a tree like plant. The Rubber plant will give a classy look to where you decide on keeping it.

Category: Product ID: 1957


Sunlight: Ficus elastic grows best in bright indirect light. Direct light can damage and burn the leaves of the plant.

Watering: Keep the soil moist but not drowning. These plants require more water during their growing season in the summer. During winters water less allowing the soil to dry out completely before watering.

Fertilizer: Provide an all-purpose fertilizer every month during its growing season.

Pests: Mealy bugs, mites, scales and aphids are a few common bugs that can find home in your rubber plant. If caught early, you can remove them by wiping with a warm soap and water solution.

Problems: As your rubber plant grows taller it needs additional support to keep it from arching. Prune you plant to keep the weight evenly distributed or support using a bamboo or tall stick.


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