Marble Queen Pothos

Marble queen pothos is a popular plant in the hardy pothos family. It has glossy, heat-shaped, leathery leaves but in different colour variegation. The leaf has marble white and bright green variegation. They are very efficient at cleaning air and one of the easiest houseplant to grow.

They make for a mesmerising table top hanging plant or can be trained to grow on a pole or a trellis.

Marble Queen grows efficiently in low light. It is tough, fast-growing, low demanding plant which reacts well to pruning.

Category: Product ID: 1945


Light: Can grow perfectly in all light conditions, but too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn.


Watering: Water the plant regularly while allowing the soil to dry out completely in between.


Fertilising: Feed the plant with an all-purpose fertiliser every month for lush growth.


Pest and Problems: Pothos has not enemies other than some caterpillars who may like to munch on its leaves.


Growing Tips: Prune from time to time to keep the plant lush.


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