Ficus 3 Layer

The Ficus genus belongs to the family of mulberry plants and Is the most popular indoor tree species for beginners at bonsai. Ficus 3 layer  is very beautiful, easy to maintain,  and increases the aesthetics of property by placing them in such as entry gates of a house or hotels in corners.

It is ideal for growing indoors and tolerates a wide range of indoor conditions. It has a good tree character with reasonably sized leaves, thick trunk and good roots, all adding up to a believable bonsai. Additionally, the leaves also reduce in side when grown as a bonsai and the plant can produce aerial roots with relative ease.

Typically all ficus have milky latex sap, which will leak from wounds or cuts. This sap is poisonous. They can also produce nice flowers which can be hidden among the foliage.

Our ficus bonsai is beautifully maintained and has been grown with 3 round layer of healthy and dense foliage. It has sufficient aerial root and attractive trunk.

Category: Product ID: 1709



Light: Full sunlight or Bright Indirect sunlight is ideal. Do not place you bonsai in a shady position.

Watering: Water your bonsai generously when the soil starts to dry. Do not let your bonsai soil to dry out completely. Smaller bonsai pots can also be dunk in a water bucket.

Humidity: Bonsai tree like humidity around them. Place you bonsai on a humidity tray and/or mist every day to maintain sufficient humidity.

Fertilizing: Fertilise your bonsai every week or two during the growing season, from spring when new growth starts to emerge. You can use organic fertiliser or fertiliser pellets as well.

Soil: Bonsai need loose soil mix to with good drainage to provide proper aeration and avoid waterlogging their roots.

Repotting: Repot the tree during spring every other year, using a bonsai soil mixture.


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