
“Aralia plants” are individuals from the Araliaceae family alongside the Schefflera plant (umbrella tree), Fatsia, Hedera (otherwise known as English ivy) and others. Some are woody plants, some are herbs, some are vines and some are trees. 

Remembered for this family is the variety, Polyscias articulated (pol-is’- si-as) which we usually call “Aralia.” This class incorporates around 116 Arlalia plant types of bushes and trees local to tropical Asia and Polynesia. 

A large number of these Aralia plants are extremely valuable as scene plants in tropical pieces of the world and some polyscias make incredible houseplants and office plants, for example, polyscias scutellaria, in less helpful atmospheres.

Category: Product ID: 1321


Soil: These tropical plants grow best in a well-drained, loamy, rich, acidic potting mix. A standard potting mix with some additional perlite added works well for container-grown plants.

Light: In an indoor setting aralias like very bright, indirect lighting. When choosing an indoor location, look to a north window.

The plants enjoy the morning sun. Avoid the full sun for indoor plants. If kept outdoors during the warmer months, most Polyscias do well in partial shade to full sun.

Water: When watering your Aralia plant indoors, keep a close eye on the soil. When it is nearly dry, provide a thorough, deep watering.


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